Daily Reflections and Prayers for Lent 2025

Living Lent Daily - Pilgrims through lent

March 10

No doubt you have a list—whether written or in your head—of things that need to be repaired around the house. Often, however, we find that many of these repairs are “above our pay grade” and beyond our own abilities, so we turn to others to come to the rescue. Throughout the Old Testament, God intervenes to repair the relationship that his Chosen People have damaged. Throughout the New Testament, Jesus performs countless miracles that restore things: he restores health, sustenance, the natural order, and even life! Ultimately, God’s promise is to repair everything. Many people’s lives today are broken because of unemployment, sickness, homelessness, abuse, incarceration, mental health issues, substance abuse, loss of loved ones, injury, broken relationships, and so on. In response to this brokenness, we are called to emulate God and to offer repairs. In the Christian tradition, these repairs are called Works of Mercy. The Lenten pilgrimage is characterized by engaging in Works of Mercy by which we cooperate with God in repairing lives. At the same time, we reflect on our own brokenness and ask God to repair our lives—to restore us so that we may once again enjoy fullness of life.


—Adapted from 8 Steps to Energize Your Faith
by Joe Paprocki, DMin

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